Agni Systems Ltd.
If you’re reading this from your home in Bangladesh, you are likely surfing the web at bandwidth speeds of 1-2 Mbps. We are working to increase that speed to at least 150-200Mbps, and ideally 1Gbps. That means internet that is anywhere from 150 times faster. These internet speeds are possible when Internet Service Providers (ISPs) provide Fiber to the Home (FTTH).
Think it doesn’t mean a lot to you? Imagine streaming, downloading, communicating at 100 times the speed of your broadband connection today. It means TV quality that never compromises. Internet speeds that never slow down. Fiber to the Home is the internet infrastructure for the 21st century.
Interested? Be sure to contact the new fiber providers on the updated list collected addresses to create a Gigabit Fiber Demand report. We provided our data to both existing and potential Bangladesh Internet Service Providers. ISPs can match the demand data with their own network maps, and determine the best approach for providing customers with Fiber to the Home. All of our demand data is publicly available on this site, to best attract investment from any potential Internet Service Provider. We are one of the best ISP in Metropolitan cities of Bangladesh and we are moving forward with their own follow-up surveys and planning. Contact our 24/7 house customer’s services department for further information on how to get fiber to your home.
11/A Navana Tower 45 Gulshan Ave, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
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